Participant Login
Donate to a Rider or Team

Looking for a Rider or Team to support?

It's easy to find what you're looking for!

Step 1: Click on Find a Rider or Find a Team
Step 2: Enter the person’s first name and last name or team name
Step 3: Click search
Step 4: Click on the person or team name and you'll go to their fundraising page
Step 5: Click on “Donate Now”

Thank you for helping us to create more survivors!

Find a Rider
Find a Team


join a team

Do you want to join a Big Bike team?

Simply follow these steps:

Step 1: Search for your team name or captain’s name
Step 2: Click on the name and you’ll go the team page
Step 3: Click on “Join Team”

Then follow the registration prompts and you’ll be registered to ride the Big Bike!

Find a Team Captain
Find a Team


Search by ride location
start a team

Ready to start a Big Bike team?

Follow these steps and your team will be registered in no time!

Step 1: Select your province
Step 2: Choose your city
Step 3: Pick a ride location
Step 4: Click “Go”
Step 5: On the location page, click on “Start a New Team”

Then just follow the prompts to register your team.

If you need help, please contact your local Heart and Stroke Foundation office. We’re here for you!

Find a Ride



Ride Big. Live Big.


Hello riders and captains! Thank you so much for joining us for the Heart&Stroke Big Bike this year. We’ve tried our best to answer any questions you may have, but if you need additional help, please contact us.



Why do I have to fundraise?
The Heart&Stroke Big Bike is a super fun event, but at the end of the day, it’s a significant fundraiser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. So while you’re laughing and having a great time with your friends and colleagues, you can feel good knowing that the money you raised will be used to create more survivors!
How much money do I need to raise to ride the Big Bike?
All participants must fundraise at least $50 to be able to ride. Raise more, and you can earn great prizes! See all of the prizes here!
Can I raise more than $50?
Yes! That would be amazing! You can increase your fundraising goal in your online Participant Centre to let your supporters know about your new goal. Why not encourage your team to strive to become a VIP team?
What is the best way to raise money for Big Bike?

Online. For three reasons:

  • It’s quick for you - Once you register online, you get an online Participant Centre. From there, you can send out emails asking for support and people can donate directly to your personal fundraising page. You can also share your personal fundraising page link on social media to get more donations.
  • It’s easy for your donors - They can donate securely online and they‘ll immediately receive a tax receipt for their contribution.
  • It’s cost-effective for us - When you raise money online, we use fewer resources to process donations. That means that more of the money can be applied directly to programs that create survivors!

Log in to your online Participant Centre and start fundraising today!

I would like to register and raise funds online but can’t locate my team on the website. Can I still do so?
Yes! First, search by the team name if you know it, or by your captain’s name. If your team still isn’t appearing, you’ll have to ask your captain to register the team online first. Once the team is registered, you’ll be able to register online and raise money online.
How do I enter cash or cheque donations that are given to me ‘offline’ to my personal fundraising page (or team page)?

Once you do that, the gift will show up as part of your total.

Please note that only the team captain can add an offline gift to your team page. Follow these steps to do so:

  • Log in to your online Participant Centre
  • Click on “Team”
  • Hit “enter a new gift” on the right hand side
  • Enter the contact information for the donor and gift information
  • Choose the payment type
  • Click add
I’m new to fundraising. Can you give me some tips?

First of all, we’re so glad you joined us! With your help, we’ll create more survivors!

Here are our top 3 fundraising tips:

  • Send emails to everyone you know asking for support. The number one way people raise lots of money is by asking lots of people! In your online Participant Centre, there’s a pre-written email that you can use. Send it to everyone in your email address book. People will be thrilled to help you!
  • Ask for a specific donation amount. Sometimes people don’t know how much money to give, so they don’t give anything. Remove that roadblock by suggesting an amount like $50.
  • Make a self-donation. This shows people that you’re serious about reaching your goal, and it helps them choose their own donation amount. Plus, it gets you that much closer to your goal!
I sent emails to my friends and family from the Big Bike website but they haven’t received them. What can I do?

Rest assured, this is not your fault. This may be due to spam filter blocks. The best thing to do is to send them another email from your personal email account.

Log in to your Participant Centre and send yourself the pre-written fundraising email. Then copy and paste that into a new email and send it to everyone!

I forget who I sent emails to. Can I see a list of their names?

Yes, as long as you sent the email from your online Participant Centre! Follow the steps below.

What is a Corporate Matching Donation Program?
Corporate Matching Donation Programs are offered by many Canadian companies. Companies offering this program will match its employee’s charitable donation dollar for dollar. The Corporate Match Donation can be made as a lump sum on behalf of your whole Heart&Stroke Big Bike team or it can be divided amongst all 29 riders and applied to each team member’s individual fundraising goal.
How do I know if the company I work for offers a 'Corporate Matching Donation Program'?

Many Canadian companies do offer a Corporate Matching Donation Program. The best way to find out if yours does is to ask someone in the corporate donations office or the human resources department.

If your employer does participate, ask for a matching gift application form. Fill out the form, return it to the appropriate department and forward the matching gift to your Heart&Stroke Big Bike representative. Find your local Heart and Stroke Foundation office.


For Captains

How many teammates should my team have?

28! The Heart&Stroke Big Bike has 30 seats: one for a Heart and Stroke Foundation driver, one for the team captain, and then 28 others. Your event will be the most fun and successful if you fill all of the seats.

What is the best way to recruit teammates?

One of the easiest ways is by sending recruitment emails through your online Participant Centre. There’s even a pre-written email that you can use.

Please note that you must start a team online in order to have access to an online Participant Centre. It’s quick, easy, and free to do! At the top of the page, click on “start a team” and follow the prompts on the screen.

You can also recruit teammates by old-fashioned word of mouth. Again, the easiest way for them to join your team is if you start one online!

What do I need to do after I register my team on the website?

Thank you for taking on the role of team captain! Now that you’re registered online:

Contact your local Heart and Stroke Foundation Office to confirm your ride date and confirm the time of your ride. Click here to find your local office contact information.

Please note: If you’re planning to be the captain for two teams, your username and your first or last name must be slightly different for your second registration (tip: use first initial). Otherwise, the new account may override the first account you registered.

How do I enter a general donation for our entire team or advise others who want to make a team donation?
It’s easy, simply follow or pass along these instructions!
  • Click on Donate to a Rider or Team
  • Click on Find a Team
  • Enter your team name
  • Click “Search”
  • Click on your team name and you’ll go to your team’s fundraising page
  • Click on “Donate Now” to make a donation directly to your team

You can also send emails to family, friends and team members from your participant centre to direct them to your team’s fundraising page to make a donation directly to your team.


Using Your Online Participant Centre

What is an online Participant Centre?

It’s home to all of your online fundraising and recruitment tools. From your online Participant Centre, you can:

  • Customize your personal fundraising page with a story and photo
  • Send fundraising and recruitment emails (there are pre-written templates that you can use)
  • Monitor your progress
  • Share your page on social media using the share tools
  • Edit your username, password, and fundraising goal
How do I change the photo in my personal fundraising page?
  • Log in to your Participant Centre
  • Click on the “Personal Page” tab
  • Click on “Photos/Video” (it’s on the right side of the page)
  • Click the “Choose File” button
  • Add a picture from your computer then click “Open”
  • Write a caption if you want
  • Click the “Save/Upload” button
How do I add my story to my personal fundraising page?
How do I import my email contacts into my online Participant Centre?

This is very easy to do if you use Gmail or Yahoo! If you use a different email provider, then you can upload a .csv file.

For Gmail and Yahoo!:

  • Log in to your Participant Centre
  • Click on the “Email” tab
  • Click on “Contacts” that’s on the right side of the page
  • Click on “Import contacts”
  • Choose your email provider
  • Click the “Next” button
  • Choose “allow access”
  • Click “Next”
  • Choose import all or just some of your contacts
  • Click “Next”
  • Click “Finished”
How do I send a fundraising email from my online Participant Centre?

If you want to use a pre-written template:

  • Log in to your Participant Centre
  • Click on the “Email” tab
  • Enter your future supporters’ names and email addresses in the “To:” field
  • Click on “choose from your contacts list” if you’ve imported your contacts already
  • Click on “Use a template” and choose “Solicitation”
  • Then hit “Send” at the top of the page

If you want to write your own email:

  • Log in to your Participant Centre
  • Click on the “Email” tab
  • Enter your future supporters’ names and email addresses in the “To:” field
  • Click on “choose from your contacts list” if you’ve imported your contacts already
  • Enter your subject line in the “Subject” field
  • Write your email
  • Then hit “Send” at the top of the page
Can I send a Thank You email to my donors from my online Participant Centre? How do I do it?

Yes you can! It’s very similar to sending a fundraising email.

  • Log in to your online Participant Centre
  • Click on the “Email” tab
  • Enter your future supporters’ names and email addresses in the “To:” field
  • Click on “choose from your contacts list” if you’ve imported your contacts already
  • Click on “Use a template” and choose “Thank You”
  • Then hit “Send” at the top of the page


Making Changes After Registration

How do I correct my personal information if I have entered it incorrectly?
  • Log in to your online Participant Centre
  • Click on “Profile” at the very top of your screen
  • Click on “Edit Your Profile”
  • Change the information as necessary
  • Click “Done” to save the changes
I joined the wrong team by mistake. How do I switch teams?
Whoops! Please contact us so we can put you on the right team.
I registered as a team member. Now I would like to become the Captain of a different team. How can I change this once I have already registered?
Great! Please contact us so we can get your new team set up.
I forgot my password or I’m having trouble logging in even though I’m entering the correct password.
Technology! The easiest fix is to request a new password. Simply click the link ‘Forgot Username and/or Password’ at the login page. Then follow the steps to request a password reset.
How do I change my team name?

It’s quick and easy.

If you change your team name, remember to let your teammates know.

How can I change the captain for our team?
It’s easy! Simply contact us and provide the names of the new and former captains as well as the team name.

If we didn’t answer your question, please contact us.

big bike participant image
Together we ride to create survivors