Thank You Prizes

Fundraise to earn 1 of 5* Thank You prizes!

*ONE prize will be awarded based on the total donations collected (Online + Pledge Envelope)

Get up to 3 additional prizes when you fundraise online!

Indigo cards are electronic cards delivered within 24-48 hours of the time of your selection and can be redeemed online or instore.
Toys"R"Us cards are plastic cards and can be redeemed online or in-store. Canadian Tire cards are plastic cards and redeemable in-store only.
Canadian Tire and Toys"R"Us cards are plastic gift cards and are delivered to your home in approximately 7-10 business days from the time of your selection.

Please note:

  • Your $5 kick-start will appear on your personal fundraising page 24-48 hours after registering online.
  • Online bonus skipping ropes and Thank You prizes will be delivered to your school after your Jump event.
* Bike prize is awarded in the form of a $150 gift card redeemable for the bike of your choice at Canadian Tire.
** Your choice of a Chapters/Indigo, Toys"R"Us or Canadian Tire gift card! Indigo cards are electronic cards and can be redeemed online or instore. Toys"R"Us cards are plastic cards and can be redeemed online or in-store. Canadian Tire cards are plastic cards and redeemable in-store only. 2016 Indigo. All rights reserved. 468 King St. W., Toronto ON M5V 1L8.