Participant Login
Donate to a Rider or Team

Looking for a Rider or Team to support?

It's easy to find what you're looking for!

Step 1: Click on Find a Rider or Find a Team
Step 2: Enter the person’s first name and last name or team name
Step 3: Click search
Step 4: Click on the person or team name and you'll go to their fundraising page
Step 5: Click on “Donate Now”

Thank you for helping us to create more survivors!

Find a Rider
Find a Team


join a team

Do you want to join a Big Bike team?

Simply follow these steps:

Step 1: Search for your team name or captain’s name
Step 2: Click on the name and you’ll go the team page
Step 3: Click on “Join Team”

Then follow the registration prompts and you’ll be registered to ride the Big Bike!

Find a Team Captain
Find a Team


Search by ride location
start a team

Ready to start a Big Bike team?

Follow these steps and your team will be registered in no time!

Step 1: Select your province
Step 2: Choose your city
Step 3: Pick a ride location
Step 4: Click “Go”
Step 5: On the location page, click on “Start a New Team”

Then just follow the prompts to register your team.

If you need help, please contact your local Heart and Stroke Foundation office. We’re here for you!

Find a Ride



Ride Big. Live Big.

Captain's Tools

Thank you for being a Captain! You’re the heart of the Heart&Stroke Big Bike event. Here are some tools to help you make your event a huge success.


Register your team online. This will make recruitment and fundraising easier and faster!


Recruit 28 riders to fill your bike. Use the recruitment template email in your online Participant Centre to build your team quickly.


Coach your team. Remind everyone to fundraise $50 or more so they can ride. There’s a coach’s email template in your online Participant Centre.


Fundraise. Inspire. Create survivors. Send fundraising emails from your online Participant Centre to reach your $50 fundraising minimum.

heart image Connect with other big-hearted captains across Canada on our Heart&Stroke Big Bike Captain's Facebook page! Share success stories and tips, ask questions, or post pictures. Celebrate together as you inspire your Big Bike team to raise vital funds to create more survivors!

For additional help fundraising or for step-by-step instructions on how to use your online Participant Centre, please check out the Help & FAQs.

rider tools image
Together we ride to create survivors