Donate to a Rider or Team

Looking for a Rider or Team to support?

It's easy to find what you're looking for!

Step 1: Click on Find a Rider or Find a Team
Step 2: Enter the person’s first name and last name or team name
Step 3: Click search
Step 4: Click on the person or team name and you'll go to their fundraising page
Step 5: Click on “Donate Now”

Thank you for helping us to create more survivors!

Find a Rider
Find a Team


join a team

Do you want to join a Big Bike team?

Simply follow these steps:

Step 1: Search for your team name or captain’s name
Step 2: Click on the name and you’ll go the team page
Step 3: Click on “Join Team”

Then follow the registration prompts and you’ll be registered to ride the Big Bike!

Find a Team Captain
Find a Team


Search by ride location
start a team

Ready to start a Big Bike team?

Follow these steps and your team will be registered in no time!

Step 1: Select your province
Step 2: Choose your city
Step 3: Pick a ride location
Step 4: Click “Go”
Step 5: On the location page, click on “Start a New Team”

Then just follow the prompts to register your team.

If you need help, please contact your local Heart and Stroke Foundation office. We’re here for you!

Find a Ride



Ride Big. Live Big.

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Together we ride to create survivors