Donate to a Rider or Team

Looking for a Rider or Team to support?

It's easy to find what you're looking for!

Step 1: Click on Find a Rider or Find a Team
Step 2: Enter the person’s first name and last name or team name
Step 3: Click search
Step 4: Click on the person or team name and you'll go to their fundraising page
Step 5: Click on “Donate Now”

Thank you for helping us to create more survivors!

Find a Rider
Find a Team


join a team

Do you want to join a Big Bike team?

Simply follow these steps:

Step 1: Search for your team name or captain’s name
Step 2: Click on the name and you’ll go the team page
Step 3: Click on “Join Team”

Then follow the registration prompts and you’ll be registered to ride the Big Bike!

Find a Team Captain
Find a Team


Search by ride location
start a team

Ready to start a Big Bike team?

Follow these steps and your team will be registered in no time!

Step 1: Select your province
Step 2: Choose your city
Step 3: Pick a ride location
Step 4: Click “Go”
Step 5: On the location page, click on “Start a New Team”

Then just follow the prompts to register your team.

If you need help, please contact your local Heart and Stroke Foundation office. We’re here for you!

Find a Ride



Ride Big. Live Big.

Fundraise with Social

Use this page to get fundraising results fast! Whether you like Facebook or think a picture says a thousand words, we have a tool to help you quickly reach your people. Try them all and see how quickly your fundraising goes viral!

Email Fundraising Tools


Email Templates

Simply copy and paste the template you like into your email client, make edits and send to your contacts. Don't forget to manually add your personal fundraising URL so people can directly access your personal page.

1/4 1 out of every 4 e-mails sent converts to a donation. Send to 40 people and you'll definitely get 10 donations.
Sample Email 1 - Donation Request
Dear [insert name]

I am excited to participate in the Heart&Stroke Big Bike this year.

For years we've seen that heart disease can be passed down through generations, but now we know that family history can double your risk of heart disease and stroke.

This is alarming because everyone I know, and everyone you know, can identify a family member or friend with a family history of cardiovascular disease. I don't want to lose these loved ones before their time. I don't believe our genes should determine our fate.

So before I ride to support the Heart and Stroke Foundation, I want to fundraise to help push this research forward. I hope you'll help me fund research like this by supporting my efforts with a donation.

Today we have identified 20-30% of the genes involved in heart disease and stroke. Doctors predict that we could know 100% within as little as 5 years. That's huge! And only possible if the research continues. Help me support this and other vital, life-saving research with a donation at my page below!

[insert personal fundraising page URL]

Thank you,
[insert your name]


Email Signature

Tell all of your email contacts that you support the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Add one of these messages to your email signature to boost your fundraising. Don't forget to add your personal fundraising URL so people can go directly to your page.

68% Fundraisers who use the e-mail badge fundraise 68% more those who don’t.
Email Signature 1

I'm fundraising for the 2016 Heart&Stoke Big Bike. Help me create more survivors by supporting me with a secure donation at [insert personal fundraising page URL]
Email Signature 2

I'm fundraising for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Help me to create more survivors of heart disease and stroke by making a secure donation at [insert personal fundraising page URL]

Like Facebook?


Fundraising with Facebook is easy as 1-2-3.


Fundraising Messages

Simply copy and paste the template you like into your Newsfeed. Don't forget to add your personal fundraising URL so people can go directly to your page.

42% Participants who fundraise using Facebook raise 42% more than those who don't.
Post #1

For years we've seen that heart disease can be passed down through generations, but now we know that family history can double your risk of heart disease and stroke.

This is alarming because everyone I know, and everyone you know, can identify a family member or friend with a family history of cardiovascular disease. I don't want to lose these loved ones before their time. I don't believe our genes should determine our fate.

Today researchers have identified 20-30% of the genes involved in heart disease and stroke. Doctors predict that we could know 100% within as little as 5 years. That's huge! And only possible if the research continues.

I am excited to support this research and more like it by fundraising for the 2016 Heart&Stroke Big Bike. I need your help. Please support me with a secure donation at [insert personal fundraising page URL]
Post #2

I'm fundraising for the 2016 Heart&Stroke Big Bike. Help me create more survivors by supporting me with a secure donation at [insert personal fundraising page URL]



Show your pride by replacing your Newsfeed and cover photos with one of these.

Note: The image will open in a new tab. To download it, simply right click on the image and save to your desired location.

Download Facebook Display Photo

Download Facebook Display Photo: Survivor

Download Facebook Cover Photo

Download Facebook Cover Photo: Survivor

Tweet With Heart

Tweeting your support for Heart and Stroke Foundation is easy:


Fundraising Tweets

Simply copy and paste the template you like into Twitter, make edits and post. Don't forget to add your personal fundraising URL so people can go directly to your page.

Tweet #1

I'm fundraising for the 2016 Heart&Stroke Big Bike. Help me create more survivors by supporting me with a secure donation. [create a link to your personal fundraising page from the selected text]
Tweet #2

Help me support the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Support my fundraising for the 2016 Heart&Stroke Big Bike. [Create a link to your personal fundraising page from the selected text]



Show your pride by replacing your Twitter photo with one of these.

Note: The image will open in a new tab. To download it, simply right click on the image and save to your desired location.

Download display pic for twitter

Download display pic for twitter

Stay LinkedIn


Sharing your support for Heart and Stroke Foundation is easy:


Fundraising Posts

Simply copy and paste the template you like into LinkedIn. Don't forget to add your personal fundraising URL so people can go directly to your page.

LinkedIn Post #1

Dear [insert name]
I am excited to participate in the 2016 Heart&Stroke Big Bike. But before I do, I need your help.

For years we've seen that heart disease can be passed down through generations, but now we know that family history can double your risk of heart disease and stroke.

This is alarming because everyone I know, and everyone you know, can identify a family member or friend with a family history of cardiovascular disease. . I don't want to lose these loved ones before their time. I don't believe our genes should determine our fate.

So before I participate to support the Heart and Stroke Foundation, I want to fundraise to help push this research forward. I hope you'll help me fund research like this by supporting my ride with a donation.

Today we have identified 20-30% of the genes involved in heart disease and stroke. Doctors predict that we could know 100% within as little as 5 years. That's huge! And only possible if the research continues.

Help me support this and other vital, life-saving research with a donation at my page below!
[insert personal fundraising page URL]

Thank you,
[insert your name]
LinkedIn Post #2

I'm fundraising for the 2016 Heart&Stroke Big Bike. Help me create more survivors by supporting me with a secure donation at [insert personal fundraising page URL]



Show your pride by replacing your LinkedIn photos with one of these.

Note: The image will open in a new tab. To download it, simply right click on the image and save to your desired location.

Download LinkedIn display photo #1

Download LinkedIn display photo #2

Be Social with Instagram



However you stay connected, take the chance to show or tell your donors about the great cause you are supporting: If you are asking for support, don't forget to add your personal fundraising URL so people can go directly to your page.

Feel free to share your photos and videos on these properties using the hashtag #RideBigLiveBig.

Together we ride to create survivors