Donated Dollars at Work

Donated dollars at work — volunteers make a difference

Heart disease and stroke cut lives short and can have a devastating impact on the quality of life of individuals and families:

  • Every 7 minutes, heart disease or stroke devastates a family in Canada.
  • Family history can double your risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • 51% of Canadians are aware of a family history for heart disease or stroke, but one-third of them have not visited a doctor, or discussed inherited risks.

The Heart & Stroke Foundation is working to change these alarming statistics. Thanks to the money you raise and donate, last year we were able to invest close to $31 million to support approximately 1,000 researchers across Canada. It’s this research that allows us to fulfil our mission to prevent disease, save lives and promote recovery. Here are just a few examples:

Dr. Hegele

Research shows bad genes are not destiny
Dr. Hegele believes the drug treatments of tomorrow will come from a genetic understanding of the pathways that contribute to heart disease and stroke.

Dr. Paul Fedak

Harnessing the potential of regenerative medicine
What if a damaged heart can heal itself? We’re close. And Dr. Paul Fedak’s research is helping to make that possible.

Dr. Ed Pryzdial

Chasing the next breakthrough in stroke
Safer, faster and better treatment — that’s what Foundation-researcher Dr. Ed Pryzdial is investigating with a new clot-busting drug.

Dr. Karin Humphries

Giving women a second chance
Dr. Karin Humphries is studying why women lag behind men in recovering after a heart attack and how we can close that gender gap.

Dr. Andrew Krahn

Stopping cardiac arrest before it happens
Dr. Andrew Krahn is working to save lives by uncovering the DNA sequences behind LQTS, a rare condition that puts healthy people at risk of sudden death.

Dr. Sonia Anand

Investing in your grandchildren’s health
A groundbreaking new study aims at revealing the root causes of chronic disease. The answers could save lives for generations to come.

Milestones that Matter
Have a look at over 60 years of our funded researchers’ achievements.

We need people like you. When you donate or register as a leadership volunteer or canvasser, you help ensure we continue to save lives and support families across Canada.

D?marchage Coeur+AVC

Donated Dollars at Work

Donated dollars at work — volunteers make a difference

Heart disease and stroke cut lives short and can have a devastating impact on the quality of life of individuals and families:

  • Every 7 minutes, heart disease or stroke devastates a family in Canada.
  • Family history can double your risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • 51% of Canadians are aware of a family history for heart disease or stroke, but one-third of them have not visited a doctor, or discussed inherited risks.

The Heart & Stroke Foundation is working to change these alarming statistics. Thanks to the money you raise and donate, last year we were able to invest close to $31 million to support approximately 1,000 researchers across Canada. It’s this research that allows us to fulfil our mission to prevent disease, save lives and promote recovery. Here are just a few examples:

Dr. Hegele

Research shows bad genes are not destiny
Dr. Hegele believes the drug treatments of tomorrow will come from a genetic understanding of the pathways that contribute to heart disease and stroke.

Dr. Paul Fedak

Harnessing the potential of regenerative medicine
What if a damaged heart can heal itself? We’re close. And Dr. Paul Fedak’s research is helping to make that possible.

Dr. Ed Pryzdial

Chasing the next breakthrough in stroke
Safer, faster and better treatment — that’s what Foundation-researcher Dr. Ed Pryzdial is investigating with a new clot-busting drug.

Dr. Karin Humphries

Giving women a second chance
Dr. Karin Humphries is studying why women lag behind men in recovering after a heart attack and how we can close that gender gap.

Dr. Andrew Krahn

Stopping cardiac arrest before it happens
Dr. Andrew Krahn is working to save lives by uncovering the DNA sequences behind LQTS, a rare condition that puts healthy people at risk of sudden death.

Dr. Sonia Anand

Investing in your grandchildren’s health
A groundbreaking new study aims at revealing the root causes of chronic disease. The answers could save lives for generations to come.

Milestones that Matter
Have a look at over 60 years of our funded researchers’ achievements.

We need people like you. When you donate or register as a leadership volunteer or canvasser, you help ensure we continue to save lives and support families across Canada.

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