Heart&Stroke Canvass

Become a volunteer canvasser to share life-saving information, inspire healthy habits and raise funds for vital research.

Learn More

Join volunteers in your community. Join

Make a difference in your community

When you join the Heart&Stroke Canvass, you do so much more than ask for donations. Every dollar you raise, every person you reach, and every heart you inspire helps save lives and support families in your own community, and across Canada.

Our canvassers put their hearts into their volunteering. Join us to make a difference — and help us reach our goals.

Father and son Mother and girl
Empower 90,000 Volunteers
Connect with 2 Million Canadians
Raise $10 Million
Support 1 Life-saving Goal
D?marchage Coeur+AVC

D?marchage Cœur+AVC

Devenez un d?marcheur b?n?vole qui fait partager de l’information vitale, inspire les gens ? adopter de saines habitudes de vie et amasse des dons pour la recherche qui sauve des vies.

Apprenez-en plus

Joignez-vous ? des b?n?voles dans votre collectivit?. Se joindre

Make a difference in your community

When you join the Heart&Stroke Canvass, you do so much more than ask for donations. Every dollar you raise, every person you reach, and every heart you inspire helps save lives and support families in your own community, and across Canada.

Our canvassers put their hearts into their volunteering. Join us to make a difference — and help us reach our goals.

Father and son Mother and girl
Empower 90,000 Volunteers
Connect with 2 Million Canadians
Raise $10 Million
Support 1 Life-saving Goal
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